搬瓦工上线全新 FREEDOM PLAN 限量版套餐,每两周可免费更换一次 IP 地址,仅 DC2 AO Coresite 机房,不可迁移。价格是 $89 美元/年,2 核 CPU,2GB 内存,40GB SSD 硬盘,2000GB 流量,2.5Gbps 带宽。
2023 年最新搬瓦工美国洛杉矶 DC2 AO 机房编号为 USCA_2,应该就是之前的 DC2 QNET 机房,AO = Asia Optimized,亚洲优化。据网友测试这机房性能比较强悍,但是到中国大陆地区速度一般,到全球其他地区速度很好。
「搬瓦工上线全新 FREEDOM PLAN 限量版VPS套餐:https://v2rayn.uuk.app/39」延迟很低,电信线路延迟最低,丢包率相对来说也比较低。另外据说明年可能要接入 CN2 GIA 线路。
搬瓦工 FREEDOM PLAN 限量版 VPS 免费更换 IP 时间间隔为 2 周:每次更换 IP 等待 14 天可再次免费更换。
「搬瓦工上线全新 FREEDOM PLAN 限量版VPS套餐:https://v2rayn.uuk.app/39」Freedom Plan
GFW is evolving. More and more protocols are detected and blocked, either on port level or IP level. And, sometimes, even a totally innocent project can trigger a ban.
It is very frustrating; one morning you wake up to your project being completely walled off and unavailable in China.
「搬瓦工上线全新 FREEDOM PLAN 限量版VPS套餐:https://v2rayn.uuk.app/39」IP changes are generally either impossible (short of cancelling and ordering a new service), or costly. The alternative is to wait for the ban to be lifted, which can take weeks to months... It is a major pain, and no one wants that.
We cannot fight government filtering, but, we thought, WHAT IF.....
What if we can offer you piece of mind in some other way? What if we offer a special plan? A plan which offers freedom, to the best extent possible!
「搬瓦工上线全新 FREEDOM PLAN 限量版VPS套餐:https://v2rayn.uuk.app/39」Now, for a very limited time, you can get our FREEDOM Plan, which includes FREE IP CHANGES, subject to the terms outlined below.
Not only that, but our other awesome features are included as well:
+ Free automated backups + Free snapshots + No contract, anytime cancellation + Instant RDNS update, OS reloads, Console access from the control panel + 99.9% uptime guarantee + Rewards program — get 1–10% cash back! + Standard 30–day money back guarantee
Unique for the Freedom Plan:
+ Extended 30–day money back guarantee — even if your IP is banned!(即使 ip 被墙,也支持 30 天内退款)
Freedom Plan Specs SSD: 40 GB RAID-10 RAM: 2 GB CPU: 2 cores Monthly Data Transfer: 2000 GB Link Speed: 2.5 Gbps Datacenter: Los Angeles USCA_2/Coresite
Free IP Change Terms(免费更换 ip 规则)
IP address change can be requested through the KiwiVM control panel. Most IP changes are processed within 1 hour; some requests may take up to 2 business days. The time between free IP changes is 2 weeks: after we replace the IP, the next free replacement is available after 14 days. This is up to 26 free IP replacements each year!(每年可以免费更换 26 次 IP)
How much does it cost?
Today, you can get this unique plan for only $89/yr.
And, thanks to our Rewards program, it gets cheaper every year!(开通积分计划会更划算)
Do not miss out, Get Freedom Now
Things to be aware of
Over the years we have collected a lot of data on GFW bans.
The bans are... very, very annoying. For you, and also for us. Managing IP replacements due to bans is a major pain, especially considering global IPv4 address shortage and high costs. We used the data we have to set up this plan in a way to allow for this many IP changes.
Only one of our locations (USCA_2/Coresite) can currently accommodate such a plan and therefore this plan is only available at this one location. We truly wish we could offer our automated migrations on this plan, but it is simply not possible.
To mitigate this limitation, this new USCA_2/Coresite location was redesigned from the ground up and offers a very balanced mix of IP transit providers to accommodate most use cases.
Additionally, this location offers our newest, completely redundant network and power design, where a complete failure of a router, switch, power feed, or even a fiber cut has no effect on service availability.
Limited time offer
This page will be taken down as soon as Freedom Plan is sold out.
购买链接:Get Freedom Now
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所有搬瓦工套餐:BandwagonHost VPS 实时库存
本文已于 2024-03-28 修改更新,您的宝贵建议请在文章下方评论区留言反馈,谢谢。